Sunday, April 22, 2012


Ok, so where do I start. I suppose ill begin with where I am at right now and work my way backwards until I arrive back at the present day. Does that make sense?? haha.

Well...... My name is Ashlee Frances Woodhouse. I'm 27 years old. I have been married to my gorgeous husband Heath for roughly 14 months and am a new mum to a beautiful baby boy named Fynn who is almost 4 months old.

I decided to name my blog after my son because I wanted to tell the story of life before Fynn and life after. And before anyone picks up on it I have spelled tail this way for a reason. A kind of play on words!!! You know a fin is a tail... Anyway moving on....

I married Heath on February 25th 2011 after 9 years together. We were 17 when we fell in love and have been in love ever since. I honestly cant imagine life without him. He is a beautiful human being. We went to primary school together and were "boyfriend and girlfriend" when we were in grade 2 (so cute) I remember he brought me a ring from one of those 20c bubble gum machines. Haha. We ended up going to different high schools but met up again through mutual friends.

Heath on our wedding day xoxo

Two months after we were married we found out we were pregnant and we were over the moon. It almost sounds to perfect doesn't it? Wedding, Honeymoon and Baby all within 12 months. Or so it seems..... Ill venture back to this at a later date.

And so our little bundle of joy was born on January 2nd, 2012 weighing 7 pound 11 and 52cm long. He is our pride and joy and has brought more happiness to our life than you could possibly imagine.

xx Fynn xx

Heath, Fynn and I have the most amazing friends and family, we are truly blessed. I cant believe how lucky I am to lead the life I'm leading. I never imagined being this happy.

I hope everyone who reads this can take something from it. I'm not saying that life is "perfect" we have our highs and lows, but I figure if I can see the positive in everything then hopefully life will never get me down.


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